Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Raining- The State of Education in Texas

So, I am a teacher in a prominent district in San Antonio, and I am an amazing teacher. Ask my students. They will tell you that I am great. And honestly, I deserve that. But truthfully, the reason I am great is because I have an amazing group of teachers who support me, and a phenomenal administration that gives me room to teach. My team of teachers is exceptional- every one is a gift in their area. Each one has a unique way of reaching the students and creating meaningful learning experiences for each one. My administration is responsible for making sure I have what I need to teach and making sure that I am doing everything in my power for my students. Their level of care and concern for each student and staff member is inspiring- I truly love working where I do.

But because of the MAJOR deficit in the TEXAS budget, my job is in jeopardy. Districts all across the state (and the U.S.) are going to lose GREAT teachers because of this cut in funding to public education. Texas Public Schools are currently operating on numbers and formulas that were set in 2006- without any kind of inflation curve, or increase as more students come in to the districts. As property taxes increase- common sense would say that that money would go to the district- NOT IN TEXAS. Still working on that same price per student that was set in 2006 (which comes from property taxes), TEXAS puts anything over that 2006 figure ($5200 per student) into the RAINY DAY FUND. The same fund that they refuse to touch to address the current financial turmoil we are faced with.

In San Antonio alone- IT IS POURING DOWN RAIN -more than 1600 jobs are at stake- in my district alone. Mine, just one of the many. Displaced teachers will fill the voids left by QUALITY teachers- teachers who were hired for the specific positions that they currently teach. Add to that equation the fact that class size is sure to increase- from 22-1 up to 26-1. What's four students, you ask? Walk into a Kindergarten classroom on the first day of school with your daughter and twenty-five kids running around crying for their parents- and ask that question...when your child is getting picked on in class because there are too many students to monitor, and no one to send the troublemakers to- Ask that question...When your child fails next year because there is no one to pull them out to help fill the gaps left by those teachers who sat at their desks and slept in class- ask that question.

We each have a passion for what we do, and that in and of itself, makes us extraordinary teachers. We don't sit at a desk and pass out worksheets, we don't belittle the students, and we don't ever give up on them...we are teachers, parents, drill instructors, counselors, self-help coaches, friends, listeners, disciplinarians and a kind word when they need it the most- and we are all fine with that...we knew that coming in to the job. And I am not looking for any kind of recognition or thanks- but I AM asking to keep my job.

Save Austin Schools

If you would like to contact the Governor go to:
If you would like to contact the Lt. Governor go to:
To Contact Senator John Cornyn go to:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why iTweet, iCare and iPad 2!

As I anxiously await my own iPad, I can only sit and search the web on my trusty 3 year-old Macbook looking for clues, hints, artist's renderings and rumors about all things Apple. And today on Twitter I came across a new little batch of information that was tweeted by @joshuatopolsky- (, who basically did my evening's work for me. Now eventually I would have found it, but searching for news on Twitter is so much easier. Why attempt to break news when everyone does it for me? I love a quest, but with so many people looking for information and attempting to scoop each other, I find it rather relaxing to sit back and just read the tweets. And I find myself reading the tweets more and more these days and for many things.

NEWS!- I love the fact that I can get up-to-the-minute headlines without some idiot anchor attempting to inflect feigned urgency. Now I am the idiot and I can inflect whatever I want, with whatever intonation I choose...what's not to like? And I can follow actual anchors who sometimes scoop their own program with their tweets- Anderson Cooper (@ac360) is a good example, as is Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann)- who uses Twitter to shamelessly promote his show...which he admits to. @cnnbrk (CNN Breaking News) is amazing in their swift updates and their ability to share news almost immediately, and @HuffingtonPost gives the news with a touch of irony, attitude and logic.

CELEBRITIES and WANNABEs!- Now you can get all of the news you never needed or cared about directly from the thumbs of your favorite celebs. Never have I seen such an outpouring of absolutely useless information- and I LOVE IT! I WANT to know about @iamdiddy's random thoughts and shameless self promotion. I enjoy reading @unclerush's positive quotes and affirmations, straight from the mouth of @ralphmarston- the most positive voice on Twitter. I LOVE @kanyewest's Tweet-Meltdowns, @Questlove's work ethic (dude never stops), and @theEllenShow's YouTube finds. Perhaps my favorite celebritweeter is @ConanOBrien who tweets whatever happens to be on his mind at the time...usually funny stuff- and his Twitter following is directly responsible for him getting his show on TBS- one of the best shows on TV.

TECHNOLOGY!- There are soooooo many TechnoTweeters out there all on the search for that next "iPhone that is accidentally left in a bar by an Apple staffer" around every corner. There is no shortage of information out there about anything techno-based. @TechCrunch is a great follow- they share all kinds of news about all things technology and are usually scoopers... @Applenewsjunkie ( is obviously Apple-centric and focuses on iPad and iPhone rumors and all other things Apple- they like numbers and facts. @Mactrast is another Apple-focused Breaking News site, who have just decided to attempt to become THE premiere Apple Scoop Source. They too are becoming news makers by creating a blog of Apple op-ed pieces and reviews. I responded to a tweet for a job as a blogger from them...(I wasn't hired). Showing yet again the myriad of uses for Twitter.

Twitter is facebook without all of the friends you forgot about after high school. It allows you to get the "news" you care about and respond to it directly. It's as if your television set had a camera on you for the 5 o' clock news, and at the end asked, "Would you like to add anything?" Your news, your way from exactly the sources you choose and you can be a part of it.  You can be a smart-ass, a dumb-ass or just yourself and ask those burning questions you've always wanted to know from @Sn00ki.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jeff Bridges- Renaissance Man

American Masters on PBS 01/12/2011

So, Jeff Bridges was on American Masters on PBS tonight...the actor famous for "The Dude." I was totally unaware that he was such a talented artist. And I don't mean actor. While his claim to fame is acting, I think that he could have become famous in any medium he would have chosen. Don't believe me? Take a trip around his website and you will soon realize that this is no average "actor site." I have never seen an actor's site so...well, creative. Immediately noticeable on the site is his art. Sketches, drawings, paintings, etc. all integrated seamlessly into the site so that they become links and act almost alive, especially in the "Stuff" section- a collection of YouTube videos, random art projects, and other tidbits that have managed to tickle the fancy of Mr. Bridges.

His photography is amazing- not just because it gives the viewer a behind the scenes look at movie magic, but because of the amazing depth of field, the angles, the humor, and the humanity. They all bring a humanness to the movie business by focusing less on the stars and more on the real stars of the movies- the writers, the scenery, the make-up artists, etc. All shot in stark black and white there is a warmth in each shot that is immediately connected to the heart of the photographer.

His music is as stark and real as his black and white images- country, folk and totally real and human. Hard fought stories, told in his soft, gray voice. Amazingly, there is a depth in each area that Jeff Bridges attempts. In today's society it is refreshing to see an ARTIST who exemplifies the term that is used to describe him. It is also refreshing to see a true renaissance man who excels at anything he attempts- let's all hope that "The Dude Abides" for a long, long time- I feel that Mr. Bridges has more to share and I, for one, am anxious to see what's next.